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Listen My Son

“Listen, my son”; this line on its own is a powerful, powerful precept. How well do we listen? When we are with people, how much do we focus on what they are saying? Can you honestly say that you are giving 100% of your attention to them? The foundation of success in any aspect of your life – your relationships, education, business, or success is the ability and gift of listening. Yes, I said gift, because only you can give it. Not only are giving others the gift of listening to them but you are giving yourself the gift of living in the moment. And hopefully putting yourself in the position of providing people what they want.

That may be simplistic, but the bottom line is, “If you truly listen, you will learn more. By learning more, you can overcome almost any challenge!”

A challenge we face today is that of being politically correct. The Bible can be seen as chauvinistic, but that is far from the truth. It is by no means gender-neutral but through good hermeneutics, we can come to accurate interpretations of the various use of words. This can be seen by looking at the word “ben” in the glossary at the end of the article. Ben is commonly known as a son but can be interpreted as everything from youth to a member of a guild. It all depends on the passage and the context.

Proverbs 1:18 is talking about a father’s responsibility and a mother’s responsibility. In fact, a partner, mentor, teacher, mediator, manager, president or boards’ responsibility is to impart instruction and teaching!

Let’s look at the role of father, grand-father, a patriarch in the bible. It holds the number 1 spot in Strong’s concordance. What is the role of the father? Traditionally it is to bring strength and happiness in a partnership for raising children. Raising children is the toughest job in the world to do properly. Nurturing, feeding, guiding, correcting, encouraging, holding back, listening to, most importantly loving, and the list goes on and on regarding all the aspects of parenthood. That is why you will find the term, “the two shall become one”. 

  1. Husbands love your wives (Ephesians 5:25-37. How about appreciating, respecting and loving everyone around you?
  2. And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath (Ephesians 6:4) Can we apply that to all of those around us as well?
  3. Accountability. You are not only accountable to yourself but all those you come into contact. Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. (1 Thessalonians 5:11)
  4. Possibility. What are the long-range and unexpected consequences of your thoughts, words, and actions when it comes to others? "I know that You can do all things and that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted. (Job 42:2)

“Hear my son your father’s instruction”

This gentle and affectionate way shows the depth and love inherent. It is true that “muwcar” means many things including bond, chastisement, correction, discipline, and instruction. It is not enough to teach and model the best behaviour but to hold a person accountable and correct them if they go off track. When I look at this assembly of words that define muwcar, I see the full process of a relationship. Isn’t that what we want is to bond with someone, grow with them and keep working or doing business with them?

“Do not forsake your mother’s teaching”

A mother always wants the best for her children. Right or wrong they will fight to the end for their children. There is a special bond. To forsake or cast off your mother’s teaching is probably the most painful thing a mother can endure. She can handle a lot of things but for her child to ignore her teaching is not one of them – but usually, she will still be there for her child.

So why is there a distinction between instruction and teaching?

It is often understood that instruction is that of disciplinary education whereas teaching the law (Torah) is milder. Eating, breathing, sleeping come naturally; but respect, courtesy, morals, and integrity must be taught and followed up with instruction.

Our lives must be lived with the knowledge that people are always watching you, listening to you, and possibly criticizing you!

What is the child’s responsibility?

To be open, appreciative, willing to listen, and learn. But more than that, when you are away from home, do not stray from this teaching. Exodus 20:12, "Honor your father and mother." Honor your father by listening respectfully when he speaks. And honor your mother by remembering what she taught you about right and wrong—about the fear of God—when you are away from home and no one can see but you and God.

How does this play out in the workplace? Simple, you may not always agree with those that are higher up the food chain, but they are still higher than you. As people you are equal, but in the workplace, you are not. As people, we must listen, learn, try to understand them and even make them look good. As employees, we must do the best we can always do, in everything do what is right, continually promote peace. As managers, Presidents, and owners we need to respect everyone, model what we want, and live in the highest form of integrity and morals.



Ab H1. (2019, 11 03). Retrieved from Messie2vie:

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Clarke, A. (1832). Commentary on Proverbs 1:8. Retrieved from Study Light Org:

Em H0517. (2019, 11 03). Retrieved from Messie2vie:

Muwcar H4148. (2019, 11 03). Retrieved from Messie2vie:

Natash H5203. (2019, 11 03). Retrieved from Messie2vie:

Perz, J. L. (2001, August). The Role of a Father. Retrieved from The Expository Files:

Piper, J. (1994, May 8). Do Not Forsake Your Mother's Teaching. Retrieved from Desiring God Org.:

Strongs H8085. (2019, 11 03). Retrieved from Messie2vie:

Towrah H8451. (2019, 11 03). Retrieved from Messie2vie:

Waxman, C. I. (1984). The Jewish Father: Past and Present. In C. I. Waxman, From Generation to Generation (p. 66). American Jewish Committee, Institute of Human Relations (1984).