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Wisdom Calls Aloud

Wisdom Calls Aloud

Solomon’s Wisdom Part 4

Proverbs 1: 20-33


20 Wisdom calls out in the street,

she lifts her voice in the square;

21 in the main concourse she cries aloud,

                at the city gates she makes her speech:

22 “How long, O simple ones, will you love your simple ways?

How long will scoffers delight in their scorn

and fools hate knowledge?

23 If you had repented at my rebuke,

then surely, I would have poured out my spirit on you;

I would have made my words known to you.

24 Because you refused my call,

and no one took my outstretched hand,

25 because you neglected all my counsel,

and wanted none of my correction,

26 in turn I will mock your calamity;

I will sneer when terror strikes you,

27 when your dread comes like a storm,

and your destruction like a whirlwind,

when distress and anguish overwhelm you.

28 Then they will call on me, but I will not answer;

they will earnestly seek me, but will not find me.

29 For they hated knowledge

and chose not to fear the LORD.

30 They accepted none of my counsel;

they despised all my reproof.

31 So they will eat the fruit of their own way,

and be filled with their own devices.

32 For the waywardness of the simple will slay them,

and the complacency of fools will destroy them.

33 But whoever listens to me will dwell in safety,

secure from the fear of evil.”

Wisdom, what is it, who has it, how can one acquire it? The Hebrew word “chokmah” has many forms and types of wisdom. In business today, as well as in life, we all need wisdom and it appears that as things get more complicated, we need it even more. I like what MacLaren writes:

“she thence comes forth to inspire all human good deeds, to plead evermore with men, to enrich those who listen to her with choicest gifts. Intellectual clearness, moral goodness, religious devotion, are all combined in the idea of Wisdom as belonging to men.”

Solomon then goes on to single out three types of people; the simple, the mockers, and the fools. Hopefully, you aren’t any of these, but let’s see.

Pethiy is the Hebrew word for “simple”; meaning foolish, naïve, innocent. So, there you have it, a person that lacks good sense or judgement. What can you do about it? According to an article in Fast Company by Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic you can work on three things.

  1. Knowing that most behaviour is driven by emotions, often spontaneous, and sometimes by sub-conscious reasons, we can slow down and analyze where our thoughts are coming from and try keeping them in check. Or at least dissecting them a bit and making the best decision we can at the time we are making them. There is a reason that the old wives’ tale of sleeping on a decision is a good one.
  2. Accept when we made a mistake, own up to it, and take responsibility. When we start taking responsibility for our actions, we will hopefully start to make better decisions moving forward.
  3. Which leads us to learn from each experience we have. My father always told me that even a donkey won’t step into the same hole twice. Solomon is telling us to become more self-aware and coachable – in all we do.

Mockers, teasers,  or scorners is the translation of the Hebrew word “luwts”. This is one of those interesting words with two edges to its meaning. One the one side we find the verb luwts to mean something negative: to scorn, boost, mock, or deride. The other side talks about being able to interpret, teach or be an ambassador (figuratively).

Let’s go back to the dark side. When you hear people talk in a derisive manner such as outlined above, how do you feel? Particularly if they are in positions of authority over you. How do you think people such as a co-worker, client, sub-ordinate, or anyone; would feel if you talk to them like that? Or feel that you talk to them like that? _ _ _ _ _ _  I will let you fill in the blanks.

Finally, the word kĕciyl is the Hebrew word for fool. Used over 67 times in the Bible, is a very negative word used to show one who is stupid, dullard, simpleton, and arrogant. Of the verses using the term fool in Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, Solomon describes them as loving to do evil, has no wisdom nor even capable of wise, talks only folly, unteachable, undisciplined, loses their temper easily, proud, unreliable, dishonest, liar, perverse, and a host of other attributes. Not the person you want to be or be with in any capacity.

The question now remains as to how we can improve ourselves and/or teach others to be more thoughtful about these three scenarios. How to live more at the moment.

  1. Don’t accept anything verbatim. Before you make any decision research it and test its veracity, especially when it comes to people.
  2. Always be learning, read, read, read. It has been said before that knowledge is power, but I would submit to you that the application of knowledge is power.
  3. Ask questions, ask for clarity, understand all the ramifications and try to foresee the unintended consequences.
  4. Never ever assume or jump to a conclusion. Look to item 3 above.
  5. Stop trying to be “right” all the time. The ego does not have the place of honour as much as people like to think. Intellect brings us to the right place, the ego doesn’t.
  6. Listen! You should never be too busy to listen.
  7. A bully hates being confronted! If people mock or scorn you confront them head-on. Ask them why they feel that way (or why are you feeling that way)? Tell them that you do not find what they are doing as funny. Tell them to stop.
  8. Always stay calm, even (especially) when those around you are raging.
  9. Optimism is good but a healthy dose of reality must always be in your plans. I like what Amy Morin wrote; “Acknowledging that someone makes poor choices, has a bad attitude, or treats others poorly doesn't make you a pessimist-it may simply mean you're a realist. While it's nice to see the good in someone, it's equally important to recognize character flaws. Everyone has both good and bad qualities and be open to seeing the whole picture.”
  10. Finally, know yourself. Know your strengths and weaknesses and always try to improve. Thinking you are better than you are doesn’t make it so. Be the best you can be without having to tell anyone – show them!


Akers, M. J. (2014). Morning and Evening Meditations from the Word of God. Westbow Publishing.

Chamorro-Premuzic, D. T. (2014, 11 06). 3 Ways To Improve Your Personal Judgement. Retrieved from Fast Company:

Chernyak, P. (2019, November 8). How to Stop People from Mocking. Retrieved from WikiHow:

Friedman, R. E. (2019, 12 22). Commentaries Proverbs 1:20-33. Retrieved from Bible Hub:

Greek/Hebrew definitions. (2019, 12 25). Retrieved from Bible Tools:

MacLaren's, A. (2019, 12 22). Commentaries Proverbs 1:20-33. Retrieved from Bible Hub:

Morin, A. (2015, September 10). 5 Ways to Be an Optimist Without Being a Fool. Retrieved from Inc.:

Myatt, M. (2014, April 29). The Brilliance Of Naiveté. Retrieved from Forbes:

Proverbs 1. (2019, 12 22). Retrieved from Bible Hun:

Sactly, A. D. (2018, June 4). HOW TO STOP BEING GULLIBLE. Retrieved from Medium: