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What do you really stand for?


Rabbi Evan Moffic  (author, speaker, Rabbi) writes, “Moses is passionate about justice. It awakens him to empathy with his fellow Israelites. It leads him to act to defend them. It leads him to defend the helpless Midianite sisters at the well. It leaves him no choice but to accept God’s call to lead the Israelites to freedom.

Moses knows who he is. He knows what is important to him. He is not only called by God. He is also called by a vision of a world redeemed.

What motivates your leadership? What are your core values?”

Let’s start with what CORE Values are.

Core values or personal values are your guiding principles and fundamental beliefs. Those things that you deem right and wrong. Call it the line in the sand, a line where you will not step over that you feel is wrong. It is the lines of how you treat others, do business deals, deal with the government, talk to others with different opinions, and most importantly your personal moral rules. It is how you perform your work and conduct yourself on all levels and interactions.

Your value statements show what is important to you and your business! It directs how you or your company will live its life. Yes, your business has a life and people watch carefully how you conduct yourself.

Often when we don’t live according to our values, we just don’t feel right! We can’t put our finger on it, we just don’t feel comfortable in our own skin. It causes us to have doubts, anxieties, fears, lack of focus, and things just don’t move forward smoothly.

 When was the last time you examined your moral compass? This applies to your personal life and your business life.

Here are some examples of Core Values- these are not exhaustive:











Good humor


Spirit of adventure











Service to others


How do you begin to create your value statement?

  1. Make a list of what values you think you have and what you think you should have.
  2. Then put the list in an order that lists them from what you feel is most important to least important.
  3. Put them in groups that seem like they belong together. You should probably have no more than 5 – 6 groups or it becomes daunting.
  4. Flesh out what you have so that it has some meat. Use words that are inspiring, emotional (emotional words affect people more), action oriented, and meaningful. Pack them with meaning.
  5. Read them and see if they resonant with you.

Here are some questions you can ask yourself:

  1. Are you living in accordance with the laws of the nation fully?
  2. What is your belief towards the environment and are you doing all that you can?
  3. What is your stance on work/life balance?
  4. What is your belief towards money and are you living in accordance or opposition to this belief?
  5. In your workplace – do you treat everyone equally?
  6.  Are you a builder of your community or a non-entity?
  7. What kind of culture do you want to live and work in?
  8. What do you value in a good relationship and are you doing what you seek?


What do you do with the answers?

We start by reframing them into a value statement that we can believe in. Value statements are a capsulation of what your belief about the core value  you are talking about and what people can expect from you or your company.

An example of a Value statement for a business.


  • We are customer-obsessed.
  • We celebrate differences.
  • We do the right thing. Period.
  • We act like owners.
  • We persevere.
  • We value ideas over hierarchy.
  • We make big bold bets.


Create wildly successful customers by doing whatever it takes to enable our champions to be transformational leaders and their staff to be superstars.

Deliver outstanding results by establishing a culture of exceptional execution and rewarding those who create great outcomes.

Continuously improve by viewing the business from a “Glass Half Empty” perspective to intensely focus us on how we can operate more effectively.

Develop our people by providing an environment that fosters personal development and professional growth.

Operate with transparency by communicating internally and externally with unwavering candor, honesty, and respect.

Are accountable by measuring ourselves against the highest standards of integrity and fiscal responsibility.


We have looked at one of the most important Moses’ success secrets and that was living his Core Values. It is now time for you to either create your Core Value Statement for the first time or look at your original statement you have done and see how you are faring. You probably do or can make a huge difference in our world by being a role-model for doing what is right.



Chuck Groot is an author, speaker, teacher. His love of God has spanned over 6 decades and he finds the more he studies the Bible, the less he knows, the more he succeeds the more dependant on God he becomes, and that there is nothing outside of loving God our Father, and being loved in return.


I would really like your opinions and thoughts, please share them in the comments section below. Also, if you liked the article please share it


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