Know the Needs of Your Boss
Know the Needs of Your Boss
Rabbi Moffic writes; “Everyone has a boss, even Moses. Moses’ boss happens to be God. And even though God may be perfect, Moses is not privy to all God’s perfection. Moses must work with the God he experiences. And that God has needs.
Among those needs is the loyalty of the Israelites. When they build a Golden Calf, God understandably questions that loyalty. Moses, however, can reassure God and improve the situation. Moses knows God cares about the Divine reputation.
So, Moses says, in effect, what will everyone think if the people You chose and You freed from Egypt are destroyed? God knows it will diminish God’s name in the world. So, God changes. The covenant is sustained.”
What unique needs does your boss have? How do you meet them?
This comes back to being part of a team, even a team of one.
If the team looks good – you look good.
If you make the boss look good – you will look good.
(Even if that sometimes doesn’t happen, you will still know and feel that you did your best and no one can take that away from you – satisfaction in a job well done.)
Where do we start, even though your boss may not be on your invite list? We start by realizing that your relationship with your boss is the third most important one you have in your life. God, partner, and then boss. Start by being positive and realizing that this is a new beginning and that you attract what you project. If you are thinking negatively, it shows if you are thinking positively, it glows. Start by paying attention to how others who seem to have a good relationship are inter-connecting with the boss. If you are the one and only in your venture, start listening to your body and soul and make sure that you are taking care of yourself!
Always build bridges, be the first to smile, say hi, and engage in conversation. Being a goody-two-shoes or eager beaver does not count: being genuine and sincere does. The key is to engage, engage with everyone around you. But if there are toxic people, who are not your boss, don’t get caught up in the negativity. Be there, be connected, beware of your thoughts and feeling and channel them to good.
Find mentors, particularly if you are your own boss. Lean on and learn from people who have been there, made the mistakes, and know where you have been. By standing on the shoulders of giants, you see things much more clearly. It is all comes down to taking responsibility to be fully invested in your career or business and own your job. Be the go-to person, you don’t have to be front and center to do this, just be willing to quietly take up the slack. Become indispensable. If you are the business, then you need to do this for your clients. Joseph Folkman a contributor to Forbes writes, “Stretch Yourself, most people plan to do the work they are assigned and work reasonably hard. What really impresses a boss is where people go above and beyond and stretch themselves to achieve something out of the ordinary.” Do you see yourself doing this for your God, your boss, your clients?
Another thing that is impressive is to be an idea person. Ideas are what separates doers from wannabees. It is fun and a great mental exercise to think out of the box, stretch your mind, and be a forward thinker. Famous philosopher, Oliver Wendall Holmes wrote, “A man's mind is stretched by a new idea or sensation, and never shrinks back to its former dimensions.” Likewise, when there are problems come up with solutions. We are all tired of hearing about problems and negatives, it is so refreshing to see someone who thinks about things and is proactive. If someone did that for you, would you like it?
Communicating with your boss or client is like communicating with anyone. Here are tips to do it better:
- Always start by praying for wisdom and understanding.
- Be humble and take the role of the servant leader.
- Be gentle, you never know what is in that person’s life or world. Sometimes they are responding to a situation that is totally unrelated to what you are talking about.
- Always pick the best time to discuss things with people. Simply ask for a better time if need be.
- Be patient, that is not always possible but do the best you can.
- Actively listen, try not to be thinking about and answer or anything else, but focus on what they are saying.
- Be true to yourself.
How can you build bridges?
- Go for acceptance as opposed to the agreement. All too often people come at a position from wanting to be right or feel their way is the only way. If you feel any sense that the conversation is going a little askew, start by letting the person that you respect and accept their position and ask whether it is a hard and fast position. You don’t have to agree or accept their position, just understand it. Sometimes arguing over something unimportant will get in the way of trying to accomplish something important later. Build bridges and show that a bridge can be approached from two opposite sides but still carries you across. In the case of a road, a round-about has several access and egress points.
- Dr. Alan Zimmerman, known as the positive communication pro, writes, “Make the first move. If you don’t make the first move, there may not be a chance for a second move.” It is important not to keep score, who did what, and when. It is important to reach out and focus on the prize, a way to move forward.
- Repeat back what you think you heard, to make sure that you understand it properly and let the other person know that you are listening. Jeff Schmidt writing in Forbes writes, “What I Hear You Saying Is.” That way we reduce the amount of misunderstanding but also allows the conversation to flow.
- Agreeing to disagree is agreeing to nothing and does not move anyone forward. The way to move forward is to talk to each other about what you do know. Get to understand what the other(s) expressing what they know and believe about the topic at hand. Each person gets a turn, and the result is that you will have a better understanding of what everybody believes and what in fact, they don’t know. Now we have a starting point to build upon. You can focus on the facts, the truth, and determining the best way forward.
- Accept people as they are. You know how hard it is to change something about yourself. We only change our minds about something when we are willing to listen, willing to think about it, and get new information that makes us want to change our minds. Accepting this you can appreciate that it is impossible to change anyone else. Just accept them. Growth comes from the inside. Once we do this, we can start the conversation and grow together.
Chuck Groot is an author, speaker, teacher. His love of God has spanned over 6 decades and he finds the more he studies the Bible, the less he knows, the more he succeeds the more dependant on God he becomes, and that there is nothing outside of loving God our Father, and being loved in return. I would really like your opinions and thoughts, please share them in the comments section below. Also, if you liked the article please share it |
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