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4 Be Honest and Faithful

Honest is seen 22 times in 19 verses.

Faithful is seen 114 times in 109 verses.

What does Honest mean?

Honesty is truthfulness. An honest person has the habit of making accurate, trustworthy statements about life, self, others and God. An honest person represents himself just as he is and tells others the truth about themselves. Honesty is not “expressing everything that goes through your mind.” That’s transparency, and a person can be honest without being transparent. However, no one can be consistently honest without a commitment to the truth. Another definition is freedom from deceit or fraud. A third definition of honesty is integrity.

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6

We want to be like Jesus. We need to live our lives as close to that example as possible.

Honesty is a direct reflection of your inner character. Your actions are a reflection on your faith, and reflecting the truth in your actions is a part of being a good witness. Learning how to be more honest will also help you keep a clear conscious.

We trust we have an honest conscience, as we wish to conduct ourselves honestly in all things.”—Hebrews 13:18.

What does the bible say about Faithfulness?

To be faithful is to be reliable, steadfast and unwavering, and the Bible speaks of this type of faithfulness in four ways: as an attribute of God; as a positive characteristic of some men; as a characteristic that many men lack; and as a gift of the Holy Spirit. Faithful is also used in the sense of “believing.”

It denotes the firmness or constancy of God in His relations with men, especially with His people. It is, accordingly, one aspect of God's truth and of His unchangeableness. God is true not only because He is really God in contrast to all that is not God, and because He realizes the idea of Godhead, but also because He is constant or faithful in keeping His promises, and therefore is worthy of trust (see TRUTH). God, likewise, is unchangeable in His ethical nature. This unchangeableness the Scripture often connects with God's goodness and mercy, and also with His constancy in reference to His covenant promises, and this is what the Old Testament means by the Faithfulness of God.

He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is He.

Deuteronomy 32:4

I love what Dr. Paul Chappell wrote about Noah!

“And the LORD said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark; for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation.”

Genesis 7:1

Noah’s first task wasn’t building the ark but building himself.

Charles Spurgeon preached to thousands in London each Lord's Day, yet he started his ministry by passing out tracts and teaching a Sunday school class as a teenager. When he began to give short addresses to the Sunday school, God blessed his ministry of the Word. He was invited to preach in obscure places in the countryside, and he used every opportunity to honor the Lord. He was faithful in the small things, and God trusted him with the greater things. “I am perfectly sure,” he said, “that, if I had not been willing to preach to those small gatherings of people in obscure country places, I should never have had the privilege of preaching to thousands of men and women in large buildings all over the land. Remember our Lord's rule, ‘whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.’”

Spurgeon realized that more important than how or where he served was his faithfulness in serving. The same could be said of Noah. As we’ve seen, God was wroth that men had turned their backs on Him and had lived in wickedness. He decided to punish the earth with a great Flood, but He promised to spare Noah and his family because they lived righteously. Noah was faithful even when others mocked him for living righteously. But what exactly were the results of Noah’s faithfulness? Notice today three blessings Noah received for being faithful.

First, Noah was spared. God’s grace is clearly seen in His warning of the Flood, His invitation to the ark, and His preservation of Noah’s family. While He could have completely destroyed the earth, He chose to bless Noah’s faithfulness and spare him and his family.

Second, because of his faithfulness, Noah was secured. Notice Genesis 7:16, “And they that went in, went in male and female of all flesh, as God had commanded him: and the LORD shut him in.” God commanded Noah to collect two of each beast (more if they were clean animals used for sacrifice) and enter the ark with the animals. God then closed the door and secured it before the rain began. This is a picture of salvation. God invites those who will trust Him for salvation, and then seals them in His salvation when they trust Him. No one can take away His salvation or remove us from God’s safety!

Last, Noah was set apart. God used Noah to populate the earth once more. Because of Noah’s faithfulness, he was used to pass on the legacy of faith from his godly forefathers to those who came after him. What a blessing!

Noah’s first task wasn’t building the ark but building himself. Before he ever picked up a hammer, he picked up God’s Word and lived by its commands. Before he gathered timber, he gathered his family to learn from God. Noah was blessed during the critical time because he was faithful during the commonplace time.

What blessings are waiting for you down the road? The only way to find out is by remaining faithful now. What if Noah hadn’t daily walked with God? Both he and his family would have died in the Flood with the rest of the people. Take time right now to decide that you will be faithful each day, even in the small areas, until God comes back or you go home to be with Him. Don’t believe that the little situations don’t matter. Everything matters to God.

That is why I believe that after:

  1. Seeking God first
  2. Be organized and plan
  3. Family second
  4. Be honest and faithful


Chuck Groot is an author, speaker, teacher. His love of God has spanned over 6 decades and he finds the more he studies the Bible, the less he knows, the more he succeeds the more dependant on God he becomes, and that there is nothing outside of loving God our Father and being loved in return.

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